Growing up I always loved having a candle lit. 

My love for candles would change completely in 2015 after my father's cancer diagnosis. He was hospitalized and I didn't know how I could make him feel more at home. It was heartbreaking to see him suffer and all I wanted to do was to brighten up his soul a bit. I wanted to bring him a candle, even if he didn't light it (against hospital rules, obviously). Candles brought me a sense of tranquility, and I wanted him to feel the same. The nurse happened to mention certain flowers took oxygen away from cancer patients so to tell loved ones not to bring him any. My mind started to wonder, are candles toxic too?

My research began and found that some may very well carry carcinogens. It was in that moment I decided I would create cleaner burning, all natural candles, and donate a portion of proceeds to cancer foundations. 

Life threw a few twists and turns and my father passed away on July 2021. I had mentioned to him prior to his passing about my plan and how I had been researching and making candles over the last few years. 

So here we are today. I turned my pain into purpose.

I hope you choose to "light with a purpose".

